After a disastrous wipeout at Pipeline earlier in his career, Eli Hanneman started his rookie year on the CT with a clutch Opening Round performance. - Lexus Pipe Pro -
A highly-anticipated rookie debut for Eli Hanneman and return to the world's best for Imaikalani deVault join fellow Maui competitor Ian
After a disastrous wipeout at Pipeline earlier in his career, Eli Hanneman started his rookie year on the CT with a clutch Opening Round performance. - Lexus Pipe Pro -
A highly-anticipated rookie debut for Eli Hanneman and return to the world's best for Imaikalani deVault join fellow Maui competitor Ian
The 2024 Championship Tour will see the return of Frederico Morais, Imaikalani deVault, Jake Marshall, Samuel Pupo, Deivid Silva, Sally
Featuring Joel Vaughan, Caua Costa, Eli Hanneman, Bella Kenworthy, Amuro Tsuzuki, Shion Crawford, Jacob Willcox, Mateus Herdy, Imaikalani
Eli Hanneman posts an excellent heat total of 16.83 (8.50 + 8.33) in a bout with former CTer Michael Rodrigues, who was hunting for a