Just like seconds ticking off the clock in a live heat, we're getting down to the wire for the digital iteration of the Vans Triple Crown of Surfing. The deadline for submissions if Friday, January 15, which means every wave counts from here on out.
Hoping to keep his winning ways going after his monumental victory at the Pipe Masters last month, two-time World Champ John John Florence and brother Nathan Florence have been on the prowl lately along the swell-rich Seven Mile Miracle.
At present, Nathan sits atop the Vans Triple Crown leaderboard, while John's in a not-too-distant fourth. Nate has locked in scores at all three of the venues -- Haleiwa, Sunset and Pipe -- and his looking to increase his lead, especially at Sunset. John, on the other hand, has only locked in scores for Haleiwa (two rides that basically broke the Internet). He has a lot of work to do if he's going to catch his brother and add another Triple Crown trophy to his mantle.
Can the Florence boys stay hot and sweep the event? There are more scores coming and things are about to get really interesting. Stay tuned!
For all the latest rides and news check out VansTripleCrownOfSurfing.com.
John John and Nathan Florence Scour North Shore In Search Of Vans Triple Crown Scores
Jake Howard
Just like seconds ticking off the clock in a live heat, we're getting down to the wire for the digital iteration of the Vans Triple Crown of Surfing. The deadline for submissions if Friday, January 15, which means every wave counts from here on out.
Hoping to keep his winning ways going after his monumental victory at the Pipe Masters last month, two-time World Champ John John Florence and brother Nathan Florence have been on the prowl lately along the swell-rich Seven Mile Miracle.
At present, Nathan sits atop the Vans Triple Crown leaderboard, while John's in a not-too-distant fourth. Nate has locked in scores at all three of the venues -- Haleiwa, Sunset and Pipe -- and his looking to increase his lead, especially at Sunset. John, on the other hand, has only locked in scores for Haleiwa (two rides that basically broke the Internet). He has a lot of work to do if he's going to catch his brother and add another Triple Crown trophy to his mantle.
Can the Florence boys stay hot and sweep the event? There are more scores coming and things are about to get really interesting. Stay tuned!
For all the latest rides and news check out VansTripleCrownOfSurfing.com.
John John Florence
The CT went huge from Yago Dora to John John to wildcard Bryan Perez. Relive the madness.
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